Members of the Governing Board
Chair: Kathy Breazeale Rev. Tammy Scott Jonathan Akyea Glenn Dagenais Wally Loague
Bob McKnight Jim Merk Dave Studdard Sarah Swanson
Bob McKnight Jim Merk Dave Studdard Sarah Swanson
Governing BoardThe Governing Board of Wesley United Methodist Church has the responsibility to govern the life of the organizational church and to provide both support and accountability to the pastor as the pastor leads the congregation in fulfilling the mission of the church in “making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”
The Governing Board will fulfill the requirements outlined in The Book of Discipline for the Staff/Parish Committee, Finance Committee, and Trustees. The Governing Board will act in place of the Church Council. At least one member of the Board will serve as a Lay Member to the Annual Conference. The Chair of the Board or a designated member of the Board will fulfill the functions of the Wesley UMC Lay Leader. The Governing Board will consist of nine members of the congregation. The roles and responsibilities of the Governing Board:
Selection of the Governing Board All professing members of Wesley United Methodist Church are eligible to serve on the Governing Board. |
Meeting Minutes![]()